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30-Minute Glutes and Hamstrings Workout

Build strong legs at home with this glutes and hamstrings workout. This dumbbell leg workout targets the posterior chain: the glutes, hamstrings and calves. Each circuit pairs an isometric exercise, a multi-muscle group exercise and an endurance exercise to build muscle in the lower body.

This is DAY FOUR of our Build 30 Program.

woman performing an uneven squat with a dumbbell in a full body workout


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Build lower body strength at home with this glutes and hamstrings workout.

Day four of our 2-Week Build 30 Program is leg day, focusing specifically on the posterior chain or backside of the body: the glutes, hamstrings and calves.

We’re back with the same format we had in Build 30 Day 2: Chest and Triceps. Each circuit combines an isometric exercise, a multi-muscle group exercise, and an endurance exercise. The work time increases with each exercise to challenge your muscular endurance.

This workout uses dumbbells to shape all three muscles in the glutes (the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus), while reducing lower back pain and improving hip/pelvic stability. 

The hamstrings are also targeted as they play key part in functional daily movement, assisting with tasks like bending your knees and extending your hips.

two women performing a lateral lunge in a glutes and hamstrings workout

Build strength in the posterior chain with these dumbbell lower body exercises.

This leg workout challenges you to complete an isometric exercise, a multi-muscle group exercise and an endurance exercise.

I suggest doing this leg workout once a week as part of a well-rounded workout routine.

Workout Equipment:

A medium-to-heavy set of dumbbells. I suggest anywhere from 10-30 lbs. We’re using 15-30 lb dumbbells in this workout. Option to add a mini loop resistance band

Workout Instructions:

Follow along with the guided Glutes and Hamstrings Workout on YouTube, led by certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, Lindsey Bomgren. 

Your Workout Looks Like This:

  • Begin with Rep Challenge (complete 30 banded squat and rear leg lift)
  • 3 Build Circuits (3 exercises per circuit — 1 isolated exercise, 1 multi-muscle group exercise, 1 endurance exercise)
  • Timed Intervals (30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest for the isolated exercises; 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest for the multi-muscle group exercise; 50 seconds work, 30 seconds rest for the endurance exercise. Complete as many reps as you can in the timed interval.)
  • Repeat Each Circuit x2 Sets
  • 3-Minute Ladder Burnout To Finish

Workout Outline

30 Rep Challenge: Banded Squat and Rear Leg Lift

1. Forward Lean Split Lunge
2. Forward Lean Split Lunge and Single Leg Deadlift
1.5 Deadlift Clean and 1.5 Squat 

1. Staggered Deadlift
2. Staggered Good Morning and Lateral Lunge
3. Staggered Swing and Lateral Squat

1. Calf Raise with Dumbbell Rotation and Back Squeeze
2. Quadruped Donkey Kick
3. Supine Hamstring Hold

Power: Banded Squat Jacks
Isometric Hold: Banded Alternating Rear Leg Lifts

Banded Squat and Rear Leg Lift

Targets: Glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip abductor muscles and core.

two women performing a banded squat with dumbbells and a rear leg lift

How To Do A Banded Squat and Alternating Rear Leg Lift

  1. Start standing with feet hip-distance apart, a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing your body. Place a resistance band six inches above your ankle joints (around your calves/shins).
  2. With your chest upright and your core engaged, lower your body into a squat position by bending your knees and pushing your hips back until both knees reach a 90-degree angle.
  3. Drive through your heels to return to standing as you squeeze your right glute to extend your right leg behind you, stretching the band as far as you can.
  4. With control, lower the right foot back to the mat and repeat the squat to rear leg lift, alternating the leg that lifts.

Modification: Option to omit the balance challenge and perform banded squats and alternating tap backs.

Split Lunge and Single Leg Deadlift

Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves, lower back and core.

This single leg stability exercise will also challenge your balance.

two women performing a split lunge and single leg deadlift with dumbbells in a glutes and hamstrings workout

How To Do A Split Lunge and Single Leg Deadlift

  1. Start standing with feet hip-distance apart, a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing your body. Find a split lunge stance by stepping your left foot back into a reverse lunge, keeping your right leg in place.
  2. Drop the left knee down to the mat, aiming for 90-degree angles in each knee.
  3. Then, drive through the front right heel to stand tall.
  4. As you stand tall, transfer your weight into your right foot and kickstand or float your left foot off the ground. Balancing on your right leg.
  5. With your right knee slightly bent, hinge at your hips (hip flexors), extending your left leg long behind you as you glide the dumbbells down the front of your right leg. Note that range of motion will vary here, but work to maintain balancing on your right leg as you keep your hips square to the mat.
  6. Then drive through your front right heel, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings to push your hips forward. As you do so, set the left toes back on the mat and repeat the sequence.

Modification: Omit the balance challenge and perform a split lunge and single leg deadlift from a staggered stance, keeping the back foot on the ground.

1.5 Deadlift Clean and 1.5 Squat

Targets: Legs, glutes, hamstrings, hips, quads, core and low back muscles.

The additional half rep of the deadlift and squat increases time under tension.

two women performing a deadlift and clean squat with dumbbells in a glutes and hamstrings workout

How To Do A 1.5 Romanian Deadlift Clean and 1.5 Squat

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold one dumbbell horizontally at your hips, holding each head of the dumbbell with one hand.
  2. Perform a deadlift by hinging at the hips, pushing your hips back towards the wall behind you as you glide the dumbbell down the front of your legs; core tight.
  3. In this variation, we’re performing a half deadlift to increase the time under tension. Squeeze your glutes to lift halfway, then return the dumbbell to the bottom of the deadlift, performing a half rep.
  4. Then, drive your hips forward to stand tall. As you stand, clean the dumbbell up to your chest.
  5. Lower down into a squat position, lowering your hips down parallel to your knees. Drive your knees out toward your outer three toes. Keep the dumbbell front-racked at chest level.
  6. Press through your heels to lift up one-two inches, performing a half squat. Then lower back down, returning to the bottom of the squat.
  7. Then drive through your heels to tall. Lower the dumbbell back to the starting position and repeat this sequence of one deadlift and one clean squat.

Staggered Good Morning and Lateral Lunge

Targets: Glutes, outer glutes (gluteus medius), inner thighs, hamstrings, hips, quads, erector spinae, lower back and core muscles.

Transferring the weight from one leg to the other also engages your deep core stabilizing muscles.

two women performing a staggered good morning and lateral lunge in a glutes and hamstrings workout at home

How To Do A Staggered Good Morning and Lateral Lunge

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Place one dumbbell horizontally behind your head, resting on your upper back and shoulders. Hold each head of the dumbbell with one hand.
  2. Stagger your feet, so your right leg is slightly in front of your left foot. Kickstand your back left foot, left heel floating off the ground. Keep 80% of your weight in your front foot, 20% in your back left toe.
  3. Maintain a staggered stance as you hinge forward at the hips until your torso is parallel to the ground, or you feel a stretch in the hamstrings. This is a “good morning” exercise. Core is engaged and the spine is neutral, keeping the back flat.
  4. Press through your right heel to stand tall, returning to a standing position.
  5. Then, perform a lateral lunge by stepping your left leg out to the side as you push your hips back, bending your left knee while leaving your right leg straight. Think of performing a single leg squat with your left leg while your right leg remains straight. Knees and toes are pointing forward.
  6. Then, drive off your left foot to reverse the movement, pushing back to center and returning to a staggered stance.

Quadruped Donkey Kick

Targets: Glutes, hamstrings and core.

Donkey kicks isolate the largest glute muscle: the gluteus maximus.

woman performing a quadruped donkey kick with a resistance band and dumbbell in a glutes and hamstrings workout

How To Do Quadruped Donkey Kicks

  1. Start in a table top position on all fours, knees bent at 90-degree angles and hips stacked over knees. Place your forearms on the mat, shoulders stacked over elbows. Option to add a mini loop resistance band three inches below your knees. To increase the intensity of the exercise, balance a dumbbell behind your right knee.
  2. Maintain the 90 degree bend in your right knee as you lift the right leg off the ground, pressing your right heel towards the ceiling. Left knee remains planted on the ground. Focus on moving your leg by squeezing your glutes rather than arching through the back.
  3. Then, with control, slowly lower your right knee, returning to starting position.

Modification: Decrease the resistance of this exercise by omitting the dumbbell and/or the resistance band.

Should You Train Glutes And Hamstrings Together?

Training the glutes and hamstrings together is beneficial, particularly for runners. The hamstring muscles assist the glutes to push the body forward as you run (acceleration). The hamstrings are also important for deceleration as they help you stop and change directions. Strong glutes and hamstrings can reduce risk of injury and prevent a number of issues such as back pain, knee instability, and ankle problems.

What Are The Best Exercises To Work The Glutes And Hamstrings?

Variations of hip hinges or deadlifts, squats, lunges and glute bridges or hip thrusts effectively target the posterior chain or backside of the body; specifically the hamstrings, glutes and hips. You’ll find a variation of most of these leg exercises in this hamstring and butt workout with weights.

woman performing shoulder press as part of muscle building workout plan

Build 30: FREE 2-Week Strength Training Program

A 2-week muscle building workout plan designed to build strength at home in 30 minutes a day. 

If you liked this glutes and hamstrings workout at home, download the FREE, 2-Week Workout Plan.

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woman performing a lateral lunge

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