Build total body strength and a strong core with this full body workout routine. Each circuit pairs dumbbell strength training exercises with a core-sculpting ab exercise. Compound dumbbell exercises hit multiple muscle groups at once, making this full body workout routine challenging and efficient.
This combination improves your ability to perform everyday activities. It also strengthens your balance, coordination and stability during movements such as lifting, twisting, bending, and reaching.
We’ll repeat each circuit three times to maximize muscle-building. Grab your heavy dumbbells – we want to reach muscle fatigue by the end of each circuit.
Full Body Workout Routine + Abs (Build, Day 5)
Build muscle and challenge your core stability with this full body routine.
Compound strength exercises in each circuit target multiple muscle groups at once – making this workout effective, efficient and engaging.
Add total body workouts like this one to your full body workout plan 1-2 times a week to build muscle mass and increase endurance.
Workout Equipment:
A medium-to-heavy set of dumbbells. I suggest anywhere from 10-30 lbs. We’re using 15-20 lb dumbbells in this workout.
1. Legs: Pendulum Lunge
2. Arms: Push Up and Plank Row
3. Core: Sit Up and Seated Double Leg Toe Touch
1. Arms: 45-Degree Shoulder Press and Overhead Triceps
2. Legs: Dumbbell Snatch and Rack and Rotational Lunge
3. Core: Hip Lifts
Power: Suitcase Swings
Isometric Hold: Overhead March
5 Full Body Exercises with Dumbbells
Suitcase Swings
Targets: The posterior chain (backside of the body) including the glutes, hamstrings, hips, core, and all the stabilizing muscles in your back and shoulders.
How To Do Suitcase Swings
Start standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart; engage your core. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing in (suitcase hold).
Hinge forward at the hips, bending your knees slightly with weight in your heels, as you ‘hike’ the dumbbells back towards the wall behind you to start the swing movement.
Drive through your heels to stand tall, pushing your hips forward as you squeeze your glutes to swing the weights up to shoulder height (full hip extension at the top). Aim for shoulder height, with arms extended out away from the body. Think long, loose arms (your arms are just a vehicle for moving the weights, your hips and glutes generate the power to move the dumbbells).
As the dumbbells begin to descend, think of catching the weights with your hip hinge movement, loading the glutes and hamstrings.
Bicep Curls
Targets: The biceps brachii (the front of your arms). This move hits both heads of the biceps muscle.
How To Do Standing Dumbbell Curls
Start standing, feet shoulder-width apart and core engaged. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing outward (underhand grip or supinated grip).
Exhale as you squeeze your bicep muscle to curl the weights up to shoulder-height. Think about keeping elbows tucked into your sides and shoulder blades pulled down.
With control, slowly lower the dumbbells down to your sides. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Goblet Squat and Staggered Squat
Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, hip abductors, hip flexors and core.
How To Do A Goblet Squat and Staggered Squat
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold one dumbbell vertically at your chest in a goblet hold.
Inhale as you bend your knees and sit your hips back (as if sitting down in a chair). Aim for 90-degree bends at each knee, focusing on pushing your knees out (not letting them cave in). Keep your torso upright.
Exhale as you press through your heels to stand tall, driving your hips forward to return to standing.
As you stand tall, immediately find a staggered stance by stepping the left foot slightly back. Kickstand your back left foot, left heel floating off the ground. Keep 80% of your weight in your front foot, 20% in your back left toe.
Maintain this staggered stance as you perform another squat, lowering down into a squat position until hips are parallel with your knees. Drive your knees out toward your outer three toes.
Drive through your front right heel to stand tall, squeezing your glutes as you bring the left foot back to center, parallel to the right foot.
Repeat the sequence of one standard squat, one staggered squat. Alternate the foot that steps back to a staggered stance after each bilateral squat.
Pendulum Lunge
Targets: Legs, butt, quads, hamstrings, calves and core.
How To Do A Pendulum Lunge
Start standing feet hip distance apart, knees slightly bent, core engaged. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, palms facing in (or hold one dumbbell horizontally at your chest).
Step your right leg forward into a front lunge, dropping your back left knee down towards the ground as you lower your hips until both knees reach a 90-degree angle, front thigh is parallel to the floor.
Drive through your front right heel to stand tall, reversing the movement.
Rather than stopping at the top, immediately step your left leg back into a reverse lunge. Drop your back left knee down towards the ground as you lower your hips until both knees reach a 90-degree angle, front right thigh is parallel to the floor.
Then drive through your front right heel to stand tall, reversing the movement again as you immediately repeat the front lunge.
Start in a high plank position, both hands on your dumbbells, shoulders stacked over wrists, core engaged.
Slowly lower your chest down towards the ground as your elbows fall back towards your hips (keep elbows tight to the body).
Once at the bottom of your push up, exhale as you push back up into high plank position (top of your push up position).
Then, hold a high plank position as you pull your right elbow towards your right hip, squeezing your back muscles to lift the dumbbell in your right hand, performing a plank and row.
Slowly and with control, lower the dumbbell to the ground.
Continue this pattern, alternating one push up with one renegade row, switching the arm that performs the back row after each push up.
Modification: Drop to your knees, performing a modified push up and plank.
Full Body Workout Routine FAQs
What Is The Best Full Body Workout Routine?
The best full body workout routine includes compound exercises that target multiple major muscle groups with one movement. An effective full body routine will also challenge movement patterns by encouraging you to move in different planes of motion. I personally prefer a combination of strength training and HIIT cardio which allows you to build muscle while you burn calories.
Can You Build Muscle With Full Body Workouts?
The main goal of a full body workout is to target all of your muscle groups efficiently through compound exercises. This effectively promotes muscle growth and fat loss. Full body weight training workouts are great for any fitness level. Choose heavy weights that will increase muscular hypertrophy without compromising proper form.
How Many Days Per Week Should You Do A Full Body Workout?
If you’re a fitness beginner, I recommend three full body training days a week which will give your body plenty of time to recover between sessions. If you’re more advanced, I recommend a split training routine, targeting specific muscle groups each day.
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