Build total body strength and challenge your endurance with this muscle building workout. Seven compound, dumbbell strength training exercises target multiple muscle groups at once, making this full body workout routine challenging and efficient.
These powerful dumbbell exercises will challenge your upper and lower body strength, cardio conditioning, core stability and endurance.
We’ll repeat each exercise back-to-back to maximize muscle build. Grab your heavy dumbbells and get ready for an efficient muscle building workout routine.
Muscle Building Workout (Build, Day 10)
Build muscle at home with this full body workout routine.
Compound strength exercises target multiple muscle groups at once – making this workout effective, efficient and engaging.
Add total body workouts like this one to your full body workout plan 1-2 times a week to build muscle mass and increase endurance.
Workout Equipment:
A medium-to-heavy set of dumbbells. I suggest anywhere from 10-30 lbs. We’re using 15-20 lb dumbbells in this workout.
Begin with Rep Challenge (complete 30 dumbbell burpees)
7 Full Body Exercises
Timed Intervals (30 seconds of work, 15 seconds rest; complete as many repetitions as you can in the timed interval)
Repeat Each Exercise x 2 Sets Back-to-Back (Strict Sets)
5-Minute Ladder Burnout To Finish
Workout Outline
30 Rep Challenge: Dumbbell Burpees
1. Kang Squat and Swing
2. 80/20 Uneven Squat and Hammer Curl Switch
3. Alternating Staggered Deadlift and Clean and Press
4. Lateral Lunge and Back Row and Balance Clean
5. Dumbbell Snatch and Rack and Split Lunges
6. Glute Bridge March and Single Leg Skull Crushers
7. Commando Climbers
Power: Dumbbell Burpees
Isometric Hold: Push Up and Squat Hold
5 Muscle Building Exercises
Dumbbell Burpee
Targets: Total body — legs, hip flexors, calves, arms, shoulders, back, abs and core.
How To Do A Dumbbell Burpee
Stand with feet hip-distance apart, or a little wider. Hold two dumbbells in front of you, at your hips.
Engage your core and lower your hips down to the bottom of a squat as you place the dumbbells on the ground between your feet.
Step or jump both feet back to a high plank position. Make a straight line with your body from head to feet.
Pause for a moment, then in one explosive movement, jump both feet forward and land just outside your hands or dumbbells.
You should land in a deep squat from which you explosively stand up, pulling the dumbbells up.
Modification: Option to sub a squat and dumbbell press out to stand and dumbbell overhead press. Or, make the dumbbell burpee low impact by stepping back to plank and walking your feet back into the bottom of the low squat instead of jumping back and jumping in.
Kang Squat and Swing
Targets: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, erector spinae, hips, lower back and core muscles, as well as the stabilizing muscles in your back and shoulders.
How To Do A Kang Squat and Swing
Start in a standing position, feet hip-width apart or slightly wider, core engaged. Hold one dumbbell in front of you, at your hips.
With a slight bend in your knees, hinge forward at the hips until your torso is parallel to the ground (this is a good morning). Core is engaged and spine is neutral (back flat). You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings (back of the legs) at the bottom of the movement.
Then lower down into a squat, pushing your hips back and down until your hips align with your knees (making a 90-degree angle with your hips and knees). Knees push out towards your outer three toes. As you lower into the bottom of a squat, perform a dumbbell swing by driving the dumbbell up to shoulder height.
Reverse the movement, slowly lowering the dumbbell back down as you drive through your heels to stand halfway, returning to the bottom of the good morning position (back flat), then fully stand tall, returning to the starting position (torso upright).
Modification: Option to omit the dumbbell swing at the bottom of the movement.
Lateral Lunge and Back Row and Balance Clean
Targets: Gluteus medius (the outer part of your butt used for side-to-side movements), quads, hamstrings, hip adductors and abductors, hip flexors, calves, back, biceps and core.
How To Do A Lateral Lunge and Back Row and Balance Clean
Stand with your feet under hips, holding a dumbbell in your left hand.
Step your right leg out to the side as you push your hips back, bending your right knee while leaving your left leg straight. Think of performing a single leg squat with your right leg while your left leg remains straight. Knees and toes are pointing forward.
Hold at the bottom of the lateral lunge, then pull your left elbow back towards your left hip, performing a single arm row. With control, lower the dumbbell back to starting position.
Then, drive off your right foot to reverse the movement. As you stand, clean the dumbbell up towards your left shoulder.
As you clean the dumbbell up to the shoulder, you have the option to add a balance element by driving your right knee towards your chest.
Hold for a moment, then lower the right foot back to the starting position and repeat.
Modification: Omit the balance knee drive.
Dumbbell Snatch, Rack and Split Lunge
Targets: Legs, hamstrings, hips, glutes, back, shoulders and deep transverse abdomen (core muscles).
How To Do A Dumbbell Snatch, Rack and Split Lunge
Start standing, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Place a dumbbell on the floor between your feet.
Hinge forward at the hips, pushing your hips back towards the wall behind you as you lower down, reaching for the dumbbell with your right hand.
Then, drive your hips forward as you ‘snatch’ the weight overhead with your right arm. Use the power and momentum created by your legs and hips to drive the weight overhead. You should finish standing tall with your right arm straight overhead, right bicep near your right ear.
Slowly lower the dumbbell to your right shoulder, finding a front rack position.
Then, step your left leg back into a reverse lunge, lowering your hips until both knees reach a 90-degree angle, front thigh parallel to the ground.
Then, drive through the front right heel to stand tall before dropping the left knee down to the mat again (performing two consecutive split lunges).
Squeeze your right leg glute, driving your back, left leg forward as you stand up to the starting position. Repeat the sequence of a dumbbell snatch to split lunge.
Modification: Omit the overhead snatch, pulling the dumbbell up to shoulder height.
Glute Bridge March and Skull Crusher
Targets: Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, hips, hamstrings, triceps (back of the arm) and core.
How To Do A Glute Bridge March and Skull Crushers
Lie flat on your back with your legs bent at 90 degrees (heels on the ground). Holding one dumbbell in each hand, fully extend your arms so the dumbbells are directly overhead, palms facing in.
Press through the heels to raise your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line. This is a glute bridge.
As you lift the hips, drive the right knee towards your face, pulling your right foot off the ground. This is a glute bridge march. Perform three glute bridge marches, alternating the knee that drives towards your face.
After the third march, hold the right leg high, maintaining a single leg glute bridge as you perform three skull crushers.
Bending at the elbows, slowly lower the dumbbells towards your head. Elbows stay in line with shoulders.Squeeze through the back of your arm to straighten your elbows, pressing the dumbbells overhead.
Repeat to perform three skull crushers, then hold the weights directly overhead and lower the right foot toward the ground.
Repeat the glute bridge march. Note that hips will stay high throughout the entire movement.
Modification: Omit the single leg glute bridge hold. After performing alternating marches, place both feet flat on the ground to perform the tricep skull crushers.
Muscle Building Workout FAQs
Which Workouts Are Best For Muscle Gain?
Effective muscle building workouts will include a variety of compound lower body exercises, upper body exercises and core exercises. That said, the key to muscle growth is implementing progressive overload – also known as increasing the intensity of your workouts over the course of weeks or months. That means either increasing reps or increasing the weights you’re using.
How Many Days A Week Should I Workout To Build Muscle?
Ultimately this varies depending on your personal fitness and training goals. In general, weight training for 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to 3 days per week is enough to see results. You should target all your major muscle groups at least twice throughout your weekly workouts. Keep in mind that it’s important to allow your body proper recovery time to repair the muscles you broke down during strength training.
Pin This Workout: Muscle Building Workout (Build, Day 10)
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Thank you so much for the empowering workout! Your encouragement helps me physically, mentally, and emotionally to feel strong and accomplished.
Rebecca! You’re so awesome! Thank you for sweating with us and we hope you keep coming back for more! Thank you! -Lindsey
Thank you Lindsey❤️
Thank you Rachel❤️
A great thank you from Paris, I absolutely loved these two weeks program. It was challenging but such a blessing each day.
I’ve been doing some of your workout for less than 2 years now and as a 44 mom of three kids I can guarantee you that I am stronger now than in my twenties.
10km run is a piece of cake now and swimming my 2km everyday has become so easy. But above all, I am happier and still have the energy to function daily.
You guys rock!❤️
Hary! I’m so glad you loved this 2-week program!! And I LOVE hearing how the strength you’re building translates into the daily activities you love. I hope you are proud of all your hard work and we hope you keep coming back for more! Thank you for sweating with us! -Lindsey
Thank you so much for the empowering workout! Your encouragement helps me physically, mentally, and emotionally to feel strong and accomplished.
Rebecca! You’re so awesome! Thank you for sweating with us and we hope you keep coming back for more! Thank you! -Lindsey
Thank you Lindsey❤️
Thank you Rachel❤️
A great thank you from Paris, I absolutely loved these two weeks program. It was challenging but such a blessing each day.
I’ve been doing some of your workout for less than 2 years now and as a 44 mom of three kids I can guarantee you that I am stronger now than in my twenties.
10km run is a piece of cake now and swimming my 2km everyday has become so easy. But above all, I am happier and still have the energy to function daily.
You guys rock!❤️
Hary! I’m so glad you loved this 2-week program!! And I LOVE hearing how the strength you’re building translates into the daily activities you love. I hope you are proud of all your hard work and we hope you keep coming back for more! Thank you for sweating with us! -Lindsey