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30-Minute Back and Shoulder Workout

Build a strong upper body at home with this back and shoulder workout. A strong back and shoulders can improve posture, support healthy joints, and help with everyday movement and activities. All you need is a set of dumbbells and 30 minutes for this upper body strength workout.

This is DAY NINE of our Build 30 Program.

woman performing an uneven squat with a dumbbell in a full body workout


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Build upper body strength and challenge your muscular endurance with this back and shoulder workout.

Day nine of our 2-Week Build 30 Program focuses on two large muscle groups in the upper body: the back and shoulders.

While we typically train the back on pull day and the shoulders on push day, pairing the two together is efficient and functional. Many of the movements we perform every day (carrying, reaching, twisting, lifting and bending) use the back and shoulder muscles.

Strengthening the back and shoulder muscles is particularly beneficial if you sit at a desk all day. A strong back and shoulders can improve posture, reduce pain and decrease risk of injury.

two women performing a single arm dumbbell press in a back and shoulder workout

Build muscle mass at home using just a set of dumbbells in this shoulder and back workout.

I suggest doing this arm workout once a week as part of a well-rounded workout routine.

Workout Equipment:

A medium-to-heavy pair of dumbbells. I suggest anywhere from 10-25 lbs. We’re using 10-25 lb dumbbells in this workout. And optional box/bench/chair. 

Workout Instructions:

Follow along with the guided Back and Shoulder Workout on YouTube, led by certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, Lindsey Bomgren. 

Your Workout Looks Like This:

  • Begin with Rep Challenge (complete 30 back rows and dumbbell cleans)
  • 2 Giant Sets (4 exercises per set)
  • Timed Intervals (30 seconds of work, 15 seconds rest; complete as many repetitions as you can in the timed interval)
  • Repeat Each Circuit x3 Sets
  • 3-Minute Ladder Burnout To Finish

Workout Outline

30 Rep Challenge: Back Row and Clean

1. Alternating Neutral Press
2. Reverse Back Fly and Straight Arm Pull Back
3. Upright Row and Clean and Press
4. Incline Plank and Single Arm Row

1. Kneeling Y-Flys
2. Bird Dog Single Arm Back Row
3. Uneven Push Up and Shoulder Tap
4. Dumbbell Pullovers

Power: Back Row and Clean and Press
Isometric Hold: Superman

Dumbbell Back Row and Clean

Targets: The lower back and upper back (specifically the lats and rhomboids), hamstrings, hips, glutes and core.

two women performing a dumbbell back row and clean in a back and shoulder workout

How To Do A Dumbbell Back Row and Clean

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold one dumbbell in each hand at your hips, palms facing in towards each other.
  2. Hinge forward at the hips, then perform a dumbbell row by pulling your elbows towards your ribcage, holding for a moment, then lowering them back down with control.
  3. Then, drive through your heels to return to standing, cleaning the dumbbells up towards your shoulders. Your heels may pop off the ground. Think about getting under the dumbbells to catch them — this is a dumbbell clean. Catch the dumbbells at your shoulders.
  4. With control, lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position and repeat this sequence, alternating a back row with a dumbbell clean.

Alternating Neutral Press

Targets: Shoulders, triceps, rear delts and upper back muscles.

two women performing an alternating single arm neutral grip dumbbell press in a back and shoulder workout

How To Do An Alternating Neutral Press

  1. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, slight bend in your knees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, elbows in line with your shoulders, palms facing in towards each other (neutral grip).
  2. Press the dumbbell in your right hand straight overhead, locking out right bicep near right ear. This is a neutral press. Keep the dumbbell in the left hand racked at your left shoulder.
  3. Lower the dumbbell in your right hand, bringing it back to shoulder height. 
  4. Then alternate the arm that performs the movement, pressing the dumbbell in your left hand straight overhead, locking out left bicep near left ear.

Dumbbell Back Fly and Straight Arm Pull Back

Targets: The posterior deltoids (rear shoulders), and major upper back muscles including the rhomboids, trapezius muscles, lats and triceps.

two women performing a dumbbell back fly and straight arm pull back in a back and shoulder workout

How To Do A Reverse Fly and Straight Arm Pull Back

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Grip a set of dumbbells, palms facing in towards each other. Hinge forward at the hips.
  2. Open your arms, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you raise the dumbbells. Aim to bring the dumbbells just to shoulder height.
  3. With control, slowly lower the dumbbells back down, returning to starting position.
  4. Then, keep your arms straight as you pull both dumbbells back to your hips (just past your hips).
  5. Control the dumbbells back down. Return to the starting position, trying not to let the dumbbells touch at the bottom.
  6. Repeat, alternating one reverse back fly with one straight arm pull back.

Modification: Perform alternating single arm back flys to alternating straight arm pull backs.

Incline Plank and Single Arm Back Row

Targets: Latissimus dorsi (or lats), upper back, chest, shoulders, arms and core.

Bonus: unilateral exercises (single-sided exercises) like this single arm dumbbell row also work the abs and core.

woman performing an incline plank and single arm row and woman performing single arm back rows from standing

How To Do Incline Plank Single Arm Back Rows (Renegade Rows)

  1. Start in front of a bench, box or couch. Place one dumbbell on the ground below your right arm. Brace your left forearm horizontally on the bench, shoulder stacked over elbow. Then step both feet back, finding an elevated high plank position.
  2. Gripping the dumbbell in your right hand, pull your right elbow to your right hip (performing a renegade row, or plank back row).
  3. Slowly and with control, extend your arm, lowering your dumbbell towards the ground and returning to starting position.

Modification: Perform standing single arm bent-over rows.

Kneeling Y-Fly

Targets: Shoulders (deltoid muscles), rotator cuff muscles and core.

woman performing kneeling y flys and woman performing y flys with dumbbells from standing

How To Do A Kneeling Y-Fly

  1. Start in a kneeling position (option to perform this standing if you have knee pain). Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing outward (underhand grip or supine curl).
  2. Keeping your arms as straight as possible, lift both dumbbells in wide arcs out to the side, slowly raising your arms overhead. Imagine you are drawing a large circle with your dumbbells, but come to a stop at the point where your arms and torso would form a “Y.”
  3. Slowly and with control, reverse the motion, lowering your dumbbells to return to the starting position.

Modification: Option to perform the Y-fly from a standing position. Reduce range of motion, raising the dumbbells only as high as feels comfortable. Alternatively, sub a lateral raise

Is It Okay To Train Back And Shoulders Together?

Typically we train back and shoulders separately, but pairing these muscle groups together is efficient and great for upper body strength and mobility. Poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to back pain and limited shoulder mobility. Strengthening the muscles in the back and the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint can create more stability, reduce risk of injury and improve posture.

What Are The Best Exercises To Work The Back And Shoulders?

The best back exercises are typically row movements (dumbbell row, upright row), pull movements (lat pull downs, seated cable row, pull ups, and dumbbell pullovers), and hyperextension movements (supermans). The best shoulder exercises are typically raises (dumbbell front raise, lateral raise), push movements (overhead press, Arnold press), and rotations (dumbbell internal and external rotations). 

woman performing shoulder press as part of muscle building workout plan

Build 30: FREE 2-Week Strength Training Program

A 2-week muscle building workout plan designed to build strength at home in 30 minutes a day. 

If you liked this back and shoulder workout at home, download the FREE, 2-Week Workout Plan.

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woman performing shoulder raise as part of back and shoulder workout

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