Standing abs, plank abs and mat abs – we’ll use three different training techniques in today’s core workout routine to build strong, functional abs and core. I personally love adding dumbbells to my ab workouts – it is the best way to build strength and muscle definition in all the muscles that make up your core.
I’ve been a personal trainer for over ten years, and I hardly ever do basic crunches when training my core.
Standard crunches aren’t a bad core exercise, but I believe that there are plenty of more effective functional core training exercises I would prioritize first (like plank drags).
Each circuit of this functional core workout focuses on a different method of training abs, allowing you to get the benefits of multiple types of training:
Standing Abs: mimic everyday movements, allowing you to perform your daily tasks (such as lifts, pivots and twists) more easily.
Plank Abs: increases strength and stability throughout the entire spine, which can help improve posture and reduce lower back pain.
Mat Abs: allow us to isolate specific muscle groups, especially in the deep core, such as the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis.
I’ve also built a mobility exercise into each circuit; functionally training our core with a mix of strength, stability, rotation and anti-rotation movements.
Beginner and advanced modifications are provided, making this a great core workout for all fitness levels.
Functional Core Workout To Target Those Deep Core Muscles
Build a strong core at home with this core workout routine with weights.
A combination of rotation and anti-rotation ab exercises build strength and stability throughout the core. This functional style of training prepares you for your real life movements, like pivots and twists.
3 Workout Circuits (2 functional core exercises and 1 mobility exercise per circuit)
Timed Intervals (30 seconds of work, 15 seconds rest; complete as many repetitions as you can in the timed interval)
Repeat Each Circuit x2 Sets
Workout Outline
CIRCUIT ONE: Standing Abs
Abs: Uneven Squat Thruster, Front Rack and Single Leg Crunch
Abs: Step Through Dumbbell Chop
Mobility: Jefferson Curl and Squat Pry
Abs: Uneven Front/Back Plank Drags
Abs: Weighted Side Plank Hip Lifts
Mobility: Forearm Dolphin Plank to Prone Back Fly
Abs: Half Turkish Get Up
Abs: Flutter Kicks and V-Sit
Mobility: Clamshell Diagonal Reach
6 Ab Exercises for Strength and Stability
1. Uneven Squat Thruster, Front Rack and Single Leg Crunch
Targets: Legs, glutes, hamstrings, quads, hips, shoulders, abs and core.
How To Do Uneven Squat Thrusters and Single Leg Standing Crunches
Start standing, feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Hold one dumbbell in your right hand at your right shoulder.
With your weight in your heels, sit your hips back as you lower into a squat, striving for a 90-degree angle between your hips and knees.
Then, drive through your heels, squeezing your glutes to stand tall. As you stand, press the dumbbell overhead, wrist stacked over shoulder.
With control, lower the dumbbell to your shoulder.
Then, shift your weight to your right foot, bringing your left knee up and rotating your torso to tap your left knee with your right elbow.
With control, lower your left foot to the ground, returning to the starting position.
2. Step Through Dumbbell Chop
Targets: All the abs and core muscles — upper abs, lower abs, obliques and deep transverse abdominals.
How To Do Step Through Dumbbell Chops
Stand with feet hip distance apart and staggered, left foot slightly in front of right foot. Hold a dumbbell in both hands horizontally at your right hip.
Brace your core as you bring the dumbbell from your right hip over your left shoulder, stepping your back right foot parallel to your left foot as you drive the dumbbell up. Think of powering the movement from your hips and glutes rather than your arms.
With control, lower the dumbbell to your right hip and step your right foot back, returning to the starting position.
Start in a high plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, feet hip-width apart. Place one dumbbell on the floor outside your right hand.
Grab the dumbbell in your right hand, then bend your knees to shift your hips back towards your heels, pulling the dumbbell back and placing it outside your right foot.
Shift your hips forward, returning to high plank position.
Then, shift your hips back, grabbing the dumbbell in your right hand and dragging it forward, placing it outside your right hand and returning to the starting position.
Modification: Kneeling plank or incline plank.
4. Side Plank Hip Lift
Targets: Internal and external oblique muscles and transverse abdominus.
How To Do Weighted Side Plank Hip Lifts
Start lying on your right side, right forearm on the mat, right shoulder stacked over right elbow. Option to place a dumbbell on your left hip.
Press into your forearm and lift your hips. Balance on the outside edge of your right foot, stacking your left foot on top of your right foot. Thinking about forming a straight line from your head through your heels.
With control, lower your hips 2-3 inches towards the ground.
Then squeeze through your obliques (side of your torso) to lift your hips, returning to a side plank position.
Modification: Knee down side plank.
5. Half Turkish Get-Up
Targets: Upper abs, lower abs, obliques, shoulders, chest and triceps.
How To Do Half Turkish Get-Ups
Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell in your right hand extended above your right shoulder, palm facing in. Set your gaze on the dumbbell in your right hand
Extend your left arm out at a 45-degree angle, pressing your palm into the mat.
Bend your right leg, placing your right foot flat on the mat just outside your right hip.
Then push through your right heel and your left elbow as you squeeze your core to lift your neck, shoulders and torso off the mat. Left shoulder should be stacked over left elbow, right arm locked overhead, and gaze on your dumbbell. Aim to sit up tall, shoulders stacked over hips.
With control, reverse the motion by slowly rolling back down to the mat. Again, keep your right arm extended overhead throughout the movement.
Modification: Dead bug or bird dog.
6. Flutter Kicks and V-Sit
Targets: Transverse abdomen (deep abdominal muscles below your rectus abdomen or six pack ab muscles), lower abs and hip flexors.
How To Do Four Flutter Kicks and a Four-Second V-Sit Hold
Lie flat on your back. Hold a dumbbell between both hands above your chest; wrists stacked over shoulders. Engage core to push your lower back into your mat (rib cage pulled in).
Extend both legs straight above you, aiming to keep legs as straight as possible. Option to bend knees to reduce the intensity.
Engage core to keep your hips stable, then alternate lowering your heels to hover off the mat, “scissoring” your legs so they are always in motion, performing four flutter kicks.
Then, keep your legs extended and floating off the mat as you roll up, lifting your upper body off the mat. Think about forming a “v” shape between your head and toes. Aim to keep your arms straight and dumbbell extended overhead. Hold for a four-count.
With control, roll back onto the mat, returning to the starting position.
Modification: Alternating leg lifts or knees bent leg lifts.
Why Do Planks Hurt My Wrists?
Planks and push ups require a certain amount of wrist mobility, but overextension through the joint can cause pain and irritation. Check out these wrist pain exercises for more modifications and alternatives if you experience wrist pain during planks and push ups.
Why Do Ab Exercises Hurt My Hip Flexors?
Feeling ab exercises in your thighs, lower back and hips or hip flexors can be a sign the exercise is too advanced for your core, causing the stronger muscles in your lower body to take over. Try reducing range of motion or scaling back to the beginner version of each exercise to build core strength.
What Are The Deep Core Muscles? How Do I Know If I’m Engaging Them?
When people talk about “deep core” muscles, they’re often referring to the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor. These are different from the more visible rectus abdominis “six-pack” muscles. To engage them, think about squeezing a blueberry in your belly button.
Perform 20: FREE 2-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan
A 2-week performance based strength training program designed to build muscle in 20 minutes a day.