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Perform 20: Ultimate Dumbbell Training Plan

This is Perform 20 — a 2-week dumbbell strength training program, designed to build muscle and improve overall performance in 20 minutes a day.

Let’s take your daily performance to the next level!

I suggest completing Perform 20 x 2-3 times before moving onto Build 30.

woman performing a lateral lunge with one dumbbell front racked in a full body workout


Download Your FREE Workout Plan Here

Download the PDF calendar for this workout plan so you can easily access your daily workouts.
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A Dumbbell Workout Plan With:

💪 NEW Workout Videos Daily

💪 5 Strength Training Workouts Per Week (2 Rest Days)

💪 20-25 Minutes A Day

💪 Equipment: Dumbbells + Optional: Resistance Band, Bench or Chair and Pull Up Bar

You in? Watch the video trailer above for the Perform 20 program preview, then download the workout calendar with clickable links to your daily workout videos.

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