If you’re looking for a solid arm day workout that doesn’t require a trip to the gym, this is the workout for you. These are the most effective arm strengthening exercises for building muscle definition in the arms, chest and back. Increase upper body strength and stability with classic exercises like bicep curls, shoulder presses, back rows and chest flys.
The internet is full of searches for upper body workouts promising strong shoulders, defined back muscles and toned triceps – but as a personal trainer (and mom of three young children), I believe there are so many more benefits to strong arms than just aesthetics.
Increasing your upper body strength makes everyday tasks like lifting groceries and carrying kids easier. Strong upper body muscles also provide better support for our joints, decreasing the risk of injuries.
Although we don’t technically repeat any arm workout exercises, we will stack-on movements that target the same muscle group back-to-back.
This allows us to fatigue the muscles in the upper body, which is necessary for muscle growth.
To keep this workout accessible for all fitness levels, I omitted my personal favorite strength training exercise: assisted pull ups. If you’re looking to improve your pull ups, check out my free pull up progression program.
Arm Strengthening Workout with Dumbbells
This arm day routine isn’t complicated, but it works. We’ll hit the biceps, triceps, back, chest and shoulders with a combination of compound upper body exercises and isometric hold burnouts.
Add these arm strengthening exercises with dumbbells to your home workout routine 1-2 times a week to build muscle and improve definition in the arms, chest and back.
Workout Equipment:
Medium-to-heavy set of dumbbells. We’re using 15-25 lbs.
Timed Intervals (40 seconds of work per exercise, followed by 20 seconds of rest)
Perform Each Arm Exercise x1 (no repeats)
Workout Outline
Bicep Curl
Overhead Press
Lateral Raise and Front Raise
Tricep Kickback
Skull Crushers
Bent Over Back Row
Back Fly
Chest Press
Chest Fly
9 Arm Strengthening Exercises
1. Bicep Curl
Targets: The biceps brachii (the front of your arms). This classic bicep exercise hits both heads of the biceps muscle.
How To Do Bicep Curls with Dumbbells
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides with your palms facing outward (underhand grip or supinated grip).
Exhale as you squeeze your bicep muscle to curl the weights up to shoulder-height. Think about keeping elbows tucked into your sides and shoulder blades pulled down.
With control, slowly lower the dumbbells down to your sides. Return to the starting position and repeat. This is one complete rep.
2. Overhead Press
Targets: The shoulders, triceps, rear delts and upper back muscles.
How To Do Overhead Shoulder Presses
Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, holding dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing in towards each other (neutral grip). Shoulder blades are pulled back and down.
Engage your core, slightly tucking your pelvis to protect your low back. Then push the dumbbells overhead until your arms are fully extended.
Slowly and with control, lower the dumbbells down to the starting position at shoulder level and repeat.
3. Lateral Raise and Front Raise
Targets: The shoulder muscles — primarily the lateral head of the deltoid, but also engages the anterior and posterior heads (or rear delts). And the abs and core work to stabilize the body during this shoulder exercise.
How To Do Lateral Raises and Front Raises
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, slight bend in your knees, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your hips. Palms facing in towards each other.
With slight bend in the elbows, lift the dumbbells in an arc shape out to your side. Lift just to shoulder height.
With control, return to starting position, palms facing in towards each other.
Then, rotate your palms to face in towards your body. Raise the dumbbells straight in front of you, coming only to shoulder height. With control, lower back to starting position.
Repeat this alternating lateral shoulder raise to front shoulder raise pattern.
4. Tricep Kickback
Targets: All three heads of the tricep muscle (lateral head, medial head, and long head).
How To Do Tricep Kickbacks
Start with feet hip-distance apart, slightly bent knees. Hold one dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing in.
Roll your shoulders down and back, hinge forward at the hips (bent over position) and lock your arms in at a 90-degree angle. Upper arms are in line with ribcage, elbows bent at 90 degrees, weights near hips.
With control, squeeze the back of your arms to straighten your arms, pressing the dumbbells back towards your hips.
With control, slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position.
5. Skull Crusher
Targets: All three heads of the tricep muscle (lateral head, medial head, and long head).
One of the best tricep exercises for women. Lying tricep extensions (skull crushers) take any potential weight bearing stress off your back so you can focus on working the back of your arms.
How To Do Skull Crushers
Lie flat on the ground or on a bench or stability ball; knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms, dumbbells stacked over shoulders.
Bending at the elbows, slowly lower the dumbbells towards your head (just bending at the elbows, lowering the dumbbells towards your temples).
Pause at the bottom, then squeeze through the back of your arms to straighten your elbows, press the dumbbells back overhead and return to the starting position.
6. Bent Over Back Row
Targets: Latissimus dorsi (or lats; the largest back muscle known for its large, flat “V” shape).
How To Do Dumbbell Back Rows
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Grip a set of dumbbells, palms facing in towards each other (narrow grip).
Hinge at the hips until your chest is parallel to the floor, neutral spine (neck in line with your spine, flat back, and core engaged).
Pull the weights back towards your hips, stopping when your left and right elbow come in line with your torso. Feel your shoulder blades squeeze together.
Control the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
7. Back Fly (Dumbbell Reverse Fly)
Targets: The posterior deltoids (rear shoulders), and major upper back muscles including the rhomboids and trapezius.
How To Do Back Flys
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Grip a set of dumbbells, palms facing in towards each other. Hinge forward at the hips.
Open your arms and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you raise the dumbbells. Aim to bring dumbbells just to shoulder height.
With control, slowly lower the dumbbells back down, returning to starting position.
8. Chest Press
Targets: The chest muscles (pecs or pectoralis major), deltoids (shoulders) and triceps.
How To Do Dumbbell Chest Presses
Lie flat on your back (on the ground, on a bench, incline bench, or on a stability ball) with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor.
Hold one dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Overhand grip on dumbbells.
Exhale as you push the dumbbells overhead, straightening your arms and finishing with weights directly over shoulders. Make sure your wrists are strong and in line with your shoulders.
With control lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
9. Chest Fly
Targets: Chest muscles (pecs) and shoulder muscles.
How To Do Chest Flys
Lie flat on your back (on the ground, on a bench, incline bench, or on a stability ball) with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor.
Hold one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in towards each other. Arms straight overhead, wrists stacked on top of shoulders.
Inhale as you slowly open your arms, lowering the dumbbells in a wide arc until they reach shoulder level (or the ground). Your elbows should remain soft and not over-extended.
Exhale as you pull the dumbbells back to starting position. Keeping your chest puffed out and your elbows slightly bent.
Free 2-Week Strength Program
How Do I Tone The Back Of My Arms?
In my professional opinion as a personal trainer, spot reduction or spot toning (attempting to reduce fat in a specific area of your body by doing exercises that specifically target that area) is not effective. Instead, focus on a well-rounded strength program and eating enough protein.
Why Does My Back Hurt During Bent Over Rows?
Improper form, limited mobility in the hamstrings, and a weak core can all result in lower back pain during bent over rows. You can try performing narrow rows versus reverse grip back rows or barbell back rows as well. The narrow row keeps the weights closer to the body, reducing pressure on the lower back.
What Arm Exercises Can I Do If I Have Wrist Pain?
To modify workouts for wrist pain, focus on exercises that minimize pressure on the wrists, such as forearm planks, deadlifts, rows, and overhead presses. These wrist pain exercises alternatives help build strength while reducing wrist strain.
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