We’ve recently started teaching Brody the word, ‘obey’. I’ve been using it as the ‘more serious’ word when he’s being a little stinker and not listening.
There was a recent moment when I picked Brody up from daycare and made a quick grocery store run. He was a wildebeest.
From throwing raisins {my attempted snack to get him to sit and chill} to repeatedly stomping on the egg carton {because I was letting him sit in the actual cart after he wiggled his way out of the front seat multiple times}.
Clearly my stern commands to ‘obey’ were not sinking in.
Anyways the point of this story is not that even my sweet baby boy is innately a sinner. But that I’m a sinner.
You see I came back from Haiti swearing I’d dive back into my Bible every morning. Thirsting for more of God’s direction and wisdom. Craving more faith, trust, and dependence on God.
Late nights working + busy mornings have slowly crept in, and pulled me away from my morning time in The Word.
In other words, I’m the child here, continually stopping on the egg carton in the grocery cart saying I’m ‘too busy’ to pick up my Bible. And God, is the parent, gritting his teeth, sternly saying, ‘obey me’.
‘I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.’
The Good News: ‘Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.’ {Romans 7:24-25}
Praise Jesus for his unconditional love + grace. For patiently sitting me down in the grocery cart, embracing me where I am, and graciously loving me even at my worst.
Dear God,I am a slave to sin.I praise your name for the unconditional love + grace you continue to show me.For pursing me, embracing me where I am, and graciously loving me in spite of my sinful nature.You are my freedom from a life dominated by sin.