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30-Minute No Equipment Arm Workout

Build upper body strength at home with this no equipment arm workout! This workout targets the back, biceps, shoulders, chest and triceps for a full upper body burn. Plus we’ll engage the abs and core throughout the entire workout!

This is DAY SEVEN of our Zero 30 Program.

Woman performing a punch in this full body bodyweight HIIT workout at home.


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While many upper body workouts involve equipment like dumbbells and barbells, arm exercises without weights are a great way to work your upper body muscles — no gym membership required.

Plus, most arm exercises without weights (think planks and push ups) require you to engage your core, so you’ll work the abs at the same time. That’s why I love this workout routine – it’s an ab and arm burnout!

Woman performing a reverse table top toe reach as part of bodyweight arm workout

This no equipment arm workout will work all muscles in the upper body plus your core! You need zero equipment and just 30 minutes to complete this workout at home!

This is a timed interval workout – meaning you do as many reps as possible in the ‘work’ period. Your pace, your tempo (rep ranges will vary from person to person).

Workout Equipment:

None! Just your bodyweight.

Workout Instructions:

Follow along with the guided No Equipment Arm Workout on YouTube, led by personal trainer Lindsey Bomgren.

Your Workout Looks Like This:

  • 3 Circuits (each circuit contains 3 STRENGTH exercises and 3 STRENGTH BURNOUT exercises)
  • Timed Intervals (perform each STRENGTH exercise for 40 seconds of work, followed immediately by a BURNOUT exercise for 20 seconds. Then a 20 second rest.)
  • Repeat Each Circuit x 2 Sets

Workout Outline

1. 2 Plank Walks, Hop to Bear and Shoulder Tap
2. High Plank Walk Outs
3. Jab, Cross, Speedbag
4. Cross Punch
5. Single-Sided Half Crunch to Full Crunch
6. Bicycle Crunch

1. Superman, Plank and Row
2. Prone Lat Pulls
3. Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut
4. Hook and Tap
5. Rolling Low Plank and Back Fly
6. Modified Side Plank and Toe Tap

1. Wide Push Up to Narrow Push Up
2. Narrow Push Ups
3. Crab Walk and Alternating Toe Tap
4. Boat Pose and Alternating Toe Tap
5. Single, Single, Double Leg Lowers
6. Scissor Chops

9 Bodyweight Arm Exercises

2 Plank Walks, Hop to Bear and Shoulder Tap

Targets: Chest (pecs), shoulders, deep transverse abs, lower abs, upper abs, obliques, glutes, hips and erector spinae.

woman performing two plank walks, hop into bear crawl position, and alternating shoulder taps

How To Do 2 Plank Walks, Hop to Bear and Shoulder Taps

  1. Start in a high plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, weight evenly distributed amongst all 10 fingers. Pull your kneecaps up towards your belly, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Perform a plank walk. Walk two steps to the right by stepping your right hand and right foot out, then step the left hand and left foot in. Repeat for a second plank walk.
  3. Step or jump your feet in to find a bear crawl position. Knees are stacked under hips and lifted off the mat.
  4. Perform an alternating shoulder tap by tapping the right shoulder with the left hand, then tapping the left shoulder with the right hand.
  5. Step or jump your feet out to high plank and repeat the plank walks, this time moving to the left.

Jab, Cross, Speedbag

Targets: Arms, shoulders, back, chest, biceps, triceps, abs, core and calves.

woman performing a jab, cross, speedbag

How To Do Jab, Cross, Speedbag

  1. Start standing, feet hip-width apart, slight bend in the knees, core engaged. Open your hips to the right so your left foot is forward and right leg is back. Bring hands or knuckles up to “defend” your face in a guard position.
  2. With your left arm, “jab” forward towards the front of the room. Pull your left arm back to your defensive position.
  3. Then punch across your body with your right hand (crossbody punch). Pull both hands back to defensive position.
  4. Then imagine you’re hitting a “speed bag” (think of any kind of boxing movie you’ve seen, this is the classic move!) for a two-count. Make large circular motions with each arm as you “hit” your imaginary boxing bag.

Single-Sided Half Crunch to Full Crunch

Targets: Lower abs and obliques.

woman performing a single-sided half crunch to single-sided full crunch

How To Do A Single-Sided Half Crunch to Full Crunch

  1. Lie flat on the floor on your back, fully extending both legs long.
  2. Pull your extended left leg in towards your body as you perform a cross-body crunch bringing your left knee to meet your right elbow.
  3. Send the left leg long again as you lay flat on the mat.
  4. Then, perform another cross-body crunch bringing your left leg in again, this time tapping your left toe with your right hand.

Superman, Plank and Row

Targets: The back muscles, lats, chest, triceps, biceps brachii and core.

woman performing a superman, plank and row

How To Do Superman, Plank and Row

  1. Start in a high plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, weight evenly distributed amongst all 10 fingers. Pull your kneecaps up towards your belly, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Bend your elbows as you lower down to the floor so you’re lying on your stomach. Then extend your arms and legs out away from your body.
  3. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to engage your posterior chain as you simultaneously lift your legs and arms off the mat.
  4. Slowly lower your legs and arms back towards the mat to return to the starting position.
  5. Then, push yourself up into a high plank position and perform a row on the right arm, bringing your right hand back to meet your right hip.
  6. Return your right hand to the mat, then perform a row on the left arm.
  7. Repeat this the superman, plank and row sequence.

Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut

Targets: Arms, shoulders, back, chest, biceps, abs, core and calves.

woman performing a jab, cross, hook and uppercut

How To Do A Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut

  1. Start standing, feet hip-width apart, knees bent, core engaged. Open your hips to the right so your left foot is forward and right leg is back. Bring hands or knuckles up to “defend” your face in a guard position.
  2. With your left arm, “jab” forward towards the front of the room. Pull your left arm back to your defensive position.
  3. Then punch across your body with your right hand (crossbody punch). Pull both hands back to defensive position.
  4. Then, perform a “hook” with your left arm, flexing your bicep as you curl your left arm in a half circle towards the front of the room. Pull your left arm back to your defensive position.
  5. Then, perform an “uppercut” with your right arm. An uppercut is a hooking motion that starts low and comes up, with a flexed bicep. Think about landing your punch underneath someone’s chin. Pull your right arm back into your defensive position.

Rolling Low Plank and Back Fly

Targets: Upper abs, lower abs, obliques, transverse abs, shoulders and back.

woman performing a rolling low plank and back fly

How To Do A Rolling Low Plank and Back Fly

  1. Start in a low plank position or forearm plank. Shoulders over elbows, forearms resting on the mat, core engaged. Neutral spine.
  2. Rotate to the left, finding a side plank position. As you do so, perform a back fly by bringing the left arm up, elbow bent at 90-degrees. Think about the muscles working in your back as you flex during this movement.
  3. Drop the left arm back to the mat as you return to a low plank position.
  4. Then alternate the movement, rotating to the right this time.

Wide Push Up to Narrow Push Up

Targets: Chest, shoulders, triceps, back, abs and core muscles.

woman performing a wide push up to narrow push up

How To Do A Wide Push Up to Narrow Push Up

  1. Start in a high plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, weight evenly distributed amongst all 10 fingers. Pull your kneecaps up towards your belly, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Hold this plank position, maintaining a straight line with your body, gaze slightly in front of you.
  3. Walk each hand out so you’re in position to perform a wide push up.
  4. Then slowly lower your chest down towards the ground as your elbows fall back towards your hips (not out to the sides).
  5. Once at the bottom of your push up, exhale as you push back up into high plank position.
  6. Then walk each hand back in so you’re in position to perform a narrow push up.
  7. Slowly lower your chest down towards the ground as your elbows fall back towards your hips, then exhale as you push back up into high plank position.

Crab Walk and Alternating Toe Tap

Targets: Shoulders, triceps, quads and core.

woman performing a crab walk and alternating toe tap

How To Do A Crab Walk and Alternating Toe Tap

  1. Start sitting on the floor with your feet hip-distance apart in front of you and your arms behind your back, fingertips facing your butt.
  2. Engage your core as you lift your hips off the floor (think of the position you’d find to perform tricep dips).
  3. Start “walking” forward by moving your left hand followed by your right foot; and then your right hand followed by your left foot. Walk three steps forward.
  4. Raise your left foot up and tap the left toe with your right hand. Keep your core engaged the entire time, hips stay raised off the floor.
  5. Lower the left leg and right arm back down to the mat and walk three steps back.
  6. Raise your right foot up and tap the right toe with your left hand before repeating the crab walk forward.

Single, Single, Double Leg Lowers

Targets: Deep transverse abs and lower abs.

woman performing single, single, double leg lowers

How To Do Single, Single, Double Leg Lowers

  1. Start lying flat on the floor. Lay flat with your arms at your sides and raise your legs straight overhead.
  2. With control, lower the right leg down to the mat until the right heel nearly touches the ground. Then raise the right leg back up to meet the left leg.
  3. With control, lower the left leg down to the mat until the left heel nearly touches the ground. Then raise the left leg back up to meet the right leg.
  4. Finally, with control, lower both legs down to the ground until the heels nearly touch the ground. Then raise both legs back up.

No Equipment Arm Workout

What Are The Best Bodyweight Arm Exercises?

The best bodyweight arm exercises are complex and involve multiple muscle groups (including your core muscles). In a no equipment arm workout, you should actively think about contracting the muscles during each repetition. This will increase muscle activation and make the bodyweight strength training workout more effective.

Can You Build Bigger Arm Muscles Without Weights?

YES! Bodyweight exercises are effective and beneficial to incorporate into your routine to challenge your upper body muscles in new ways. Using your bodyweight may mean that you can increase reps to tone and build strong arms. Again, it’s going to be really important to actively think about the muscles you’re working in each bodyweight exercise.

Zero30 Bodyweight Workout Plan

Zero 30: FREE No Equipment, Full Body Workout Plan

A 2-week, bodyweight workout plan with new workout videos DAILY – ZERO equipment needed, 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week!

If you liked this workout, download the free 2-Week Bodyweight Training Plan here.

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  1. Hey! Do you know about how many calories this Arms & Abs burns approximately? I know everyone is different for many different reason, but checking to see if you know what yours is? Thanks! Been working out with you for about 14 months! I tell everyone I know about NML!

    • Hi, Claire! I am so happy you found your way here and are loving the workouts!! On average it’s around 250-350 calories per workout for me personally, but it varies a lot from person to person. Keep up the great work!