‘We are pregnant!’ Saying it out loud with a big smile on your face, maybe even with a little pair of baby booties for grandma and grandpa to open, is one of the most exciting things I’ve ever been able to share with my family and friends.
But what has absolutely overwhelmed my heart is the number of people who’ve responded with, ‘Ah, we are so happy for you, we’ve been praying for you every day.’
Dear baby Bomgren I hope you know you are already so loved! The number of prayers that have been said for you, some by people we hardly even know, are uncountable. Tim and I cannot thank you enough for all the love and support we’ve received during both our miscarriage and new pregnancy.
I am so grateful to start my journey into motherhood because I know so many women are fighting for their journey to begin. So today, I’d like to acknowledge all the strong women out there struggling with infertility or loss.
Because in the midst of my joy and sharing my pregnancy on social media, I know there are countless women scrolling through on the other side of the screen dealing with their own struggles to motherhood — from infertility, to miscarriage, loss, and everything in between. And each new baby announcement brings forth a flood of sadness, jealousy, and emptiness.
I know because I’ve been on the other side of that screen shortly after my own miscarriage. I know because I’ve read the messages and emails of so many women who’ve shared their heart-wrenching stories with me.
Which is why I’m writing this post; to unite all of us — women, mothers, sisters, mothers-to-be, and friends in the power of prayer.
James 5:16 declares, “…and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James’ aim here is to motivate us, no matter where we’re at on our journey with the Lord, to pray more; and to pray for each other.
As sure as I am that God saw every tear that feel from my face following my miscarriage, I am also sure that God most definitely listens to prayers, answers prayers, and moves in response to prayers.
A woman on her knees in prayer is a powerful thing, but a community of women on their knees in prayer is a display of unshakable faith. We can send each other all the positive vibes we want, but what if we all took a moment today to pray for a woman struggling with infertility and loss.
Today I’m asking you, prayer warrior, to join me in the power of prayer. To pray for all the strong women struggling with infertility and loss; that they may they feel our’s and God’s arms wrapped firmly around them on this journey.
If you need a prayer to draw upon for inspiration you can reference the below:
Dear Lord,
Today I want to pray for {insert name or women struggling with infertility and loss}.
Their journey is filled with hardships that can only be overcome with a tremendous amount of faith.
In the midst of their struggles may they find peace in you.
Peace, which transcends all understanding,
to guard their hearts and minds {in reference to Philippians 4:7}.
**And if you know someone personally struggling with infertility or loss, and feel so compelled, I encourage you to send them a message, text, or phone call just to share that you prayed for them today. You don’t have to share anything more than, ‘I wanted to let you know I prayed for you today.’ An opportunity to truly change someone’s day and share God’s grace and love.
Congratulations, Lindsey! I am pregnant as well, 11 wks along with my first! How have you been feeling? Do you find it harder to exercise and eat well during pregnancy vs. pre-pregnancy? Because I sure feel tired and have a lot of food aversions/nausea, so I’m sleeping a lot more, exercising less, and tending toward crackers, other carbs and bland comfort foods that are typically low on protein and veggies. I’d be interested in what you do to stay and feel healthy when your body is not cooperating (but maybe yours is going more smoothly than mine ?)!
Hi Christy! Congrats on your pregnancy, that’s so exciting!!! I’ve been feeling much better now that I’m over the first trimester hump — the first 14 weeks were pretty rough, but my energy is back and I’m feeling much better! And you’re not along in sleeping more, exercising less and loving carbs :). I think it’s pretty common and of course you have to listen to your body. That said, I was grateful for my group fitness classes and the accountability to keep me active as a group fitness instructor because it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy the days I just laid on the couch and ate bread I typically felt worse. So I tried to keep moving as much as I could, but I defiantly rested A LOT more too. And some days just going for a walk was a huge success and I was totally ok with that too. As for food, it was tough too. I could no longer stomach my green smoothies and well some days eating any veggies was an accomplishment. I did lots of soups and snuck veggies into casseroles and ect where I could. And avocado toast with an egg was my saving grace and go-to meal! At the end of the day you just have to listen to your body, get your rest, but still strive to get your rest in and get some veggies/greens in if you can! I hope that helps and hopefully you’re almost over the hump to feeling better! xo-Lindsey
You and baby Bomgren certainly are VERY loved! So incredibly happy for you!!!
Whit! So good to hear from you! Yes, baby Bomgren is so loved and we are so excited! Hope all is well with you and if you ever happen to make it to MN (winter is a great time to come visit – ha) let me know and I’ll keep you posted when I plan to be in Cali after babe is born! Yay! Happy Friday! xo-Linds
Congrats Momma! Look at that cute baby bump already. You are going to be a great mother. God is good. You are such an inspiration in many ways to me.
April! Thank you so much for taking time to read my post and responding with such kind words. It’s so weird to watch this belly grow, but I’m loving it! And you said it best God is so good! Thank you and I hope you have a fabulous Friday! xo-Lindsey
Congratulations! So excited for you guys! And thanks for sharing about a topic that seems so taboo in our culture.
Jessie! Thank you, we are so excited! And thanks for taking time to read my post; I just felt so compelled to acknowledge that I recognize in my joy there are so many women struggling and I truly do think our prayers make a difference! Thanks so much for reading and happy Friday! xo-Lindsey
congratulations on your miracle! I just wanted to let you know that I’m new to your blog – learned about you and started doing your workouts thanks to Chris Freytag’s GetHealthyU (love them and your approach to fitness!) Your post spoke to my heart and inspired me to do just what you said – reach out to a friend that I know is struggling with infertility and let her know she is in my prayers. Thank you for beautiful witness to your faith and your inspiration.
Kristen! Thank you for your message and I’m so glad you found me through GetHealthyU, I love working with Chris, she’s fantastic and so full of energy! I’m so glad this post inspired your to reach out to a friend; I can only imagine your support warmed her heart and gave her a little extra encouragement on her journey. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and participate in prayer challenge, I really appreciate it and I truly do believe our prayers will make a difference! xo-Lindsey
I’m so happy for you. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I just got referred to a fertility clinic today.
Veronica! Thank you for your kind message and for your willingness to share. Know that you are not alone on this journey and I hope you feel a little extra love and encouragement today knowing mine and several other women’s prayers are with you! xo-Lindsey
You such a lovely lovely woman! Congratulations to both you and your hubs!!!! God is so good!
Carol! Thank you for your message and kind words, you said it perfectly — God is SO GOOD! We are very excited! Thank you for taking time to read my post and comment, I really appreciate it! xo-Lindsey
Linds – thank you! This post brought tears to my eyes…..speaks right to my heart! Love you so much and so so happy for you and Tim!
Stac! I love you so much and am so grateful for all your support along this crazy, hormonal journey :)! And most importantly I hope you know you are in my prayers today and everyday! xo-Linds
Congrats – this will be an amazing journey. Thank you for all that you do and all that you share!
Thank you for your message and kind words Lori! We are very excited and get ready for some fit-pregnancy and fit-momma content coming your way as this belly continues to grow :)! xo-Lindsey
Congratulations Lindsey! It’ll be so fun to watch your pregnancy journey into motherhood. What a special time! xo
Thanks Hillary! We are pretty stinking excited! It’s amazing to watch this belly grow :). Thank you for your message and taking time to read my post! xo-Lindsey