meditate {intransitive verb} per merriam-webster is defined as to spend time in quiet thought for religious purposes or relaxation. i was surprised when i found the dictionary definition to include ‘for religious purposes’.
i’m sure you’ve heard of the many benefits of meditation {decrease stress and cortisol, tap into your creative intuition, visualize and manifest your future and the list goes on} so i’ll get straight to my point. after a lot of highly intellectual conversations with friends, priests, pastors and mentors and actually reading the bible i’ve learned that meditation should be a time to fill your mind with God’s word instead of the recently popular, new-age way of emptying your mind {huge light bulb moment for me}.
that said, making time to meditate is no simple task. it’s not always easy to put down the iPhone and sit in silence for 20 minutes, especially when your to-do list is continually expanding from post-it size to notepad size.
if you need some convincing to put down the iPhone and delay the to-do list for 5, 10, 15, heck maybe even 20 min to meditate on God’s word i highly suggest you read the wise words of John Piper and let them sink in.
the Creator of the universe has breathed out a book. a book. we can read the mind of God revealed in this book. we have access to knowledge that is unshakably true and infinitely valuable. infinitely. do you treasure and love and read and meditate and memorize and study this book in accord with its infinite worth?
ok now that we’ve got our mind right {thanks for the perspective John} here are the 20+ verses in which God specifically says to meditation on his word; now i challenge you {and me} to open our bibles and read them. you don’t have to do it all at once pick one a day, or pick one a week and focus on meditating on that verse.
i suggest starting with Psalm 19:14 outlined in the picture above. i came across this verse in a she reads truth email and it’s my current fav. i can actually say i’ve memorized it.