‘Hey God, if you can just let me in on the plans you have for my life that would be great!’
I’ve prayed those words more than I’d like to admit. I’m a planner. I have a game plan for most hours of my day {just ask my husband}.
The funny part is, August officially marks the blog’s third anniversary, and I turn 30. Let me tell you, I didn’t plan to be where I am today.
Starting NML was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done — not because I had no idea how to build a wordpress site, but there was, and still is, a possibility that it could fail.
In a culture that glorifies ‘hustle’, the reality is, no matter how hard I hustle {and I think I’m a pretty good hustler}, it could still fail.
If these past three years have taught me anything it’s to commit my work to God and verbalize my trust in Him. God, not me, produces results through me.
And God has a funny way of working behind the scenes. He’s placed people in my life who’ve helped build and grow my business.
Not to mention, I’m surrounded by the most encouraging support system. And it’s seemed that when I’ve been discouraged the most is when I receive a message or email from someone about how they’re so glad they found my site, how my workouts have made fitness fun again, or how they’ve found encouragement in my devotional post.
God has written all my days before they’ve come to be {Psalm 139:16}.
Although I still pray for God to reveal His plans to me, I find that when I really lean into God, His Word, His goodness, I find a calm sense of peace that even if NML does fail it will all be ok because it’s part of a plan that’s greater than me.
If this topic interests you, I suggest reading Proverbs 16 and Deuteronomy 8:17-18.
Dear God,
I commit my work to you.
I trust in You.
Plans fail, but You do not; Your plans are greater than mine.