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15-Minute Beginner Weight Loss Workout (All Standing Cardio)

Get 1,500 steps and burn fat with the best beginner weight loss workout. This is a low impact but high intensity cardio workout at home using just your bodyweight. Follow along with the best standing cardio exercises for fat loss.

Raise your heart rate, burn calories and get your steps in with this beginner weight loss workout.

In my opinion, walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise. It’s one of the best things you can do for heart health and weight loss — and it’s a really simple thing you can add to your beginner fitness routine.

If you’ve tried our “4-30-10” Workout Plan, we challenged you to aim for 10K steps per day (I personally strive for 8-10K steps every day). If you’re low on your daily step count, are short on time, or simply want to move in a low impact way, I recommend this standing cardio workout!

Rachel and I got about 1,500 steps in during this 15-minute workout. This is a great low impact cardio workout for beginner weight loss.

two women performing a side to side toe tap and punch across in a no equipment standing cardio workout to reduce body fat

15-Minute Beginner Weight Loss Workout (All Standing Cardio)

Get your steps in, build muscle mass and raise your heart rate with this fat burning, no equipment workout.

18 of the best bodyweight exercises you can do at home. This low impact workout will challenge your cardiovascular endurance.

Add a cardio workout like this one to your exercise routine 1-2 times a week.

Workout Equipment:

No equipment, just your bodyweight.

Workout Instructions:

Follow along with the guided Beginner Weight Loss Workout Video on YouTube, led by certified personal trainer Lindsey Bomgren. 

Your Workout Looks Like This:

  • 18 Bodyweight Standing Cardio Exercises
  • Timed Intervals (40 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)
  • No Repeats (Perform each exercise once)
woman performing a front punch a rear foot tap back in a standing cardio workout

Prefer to Watch On YouTube?

youtube icon Standing Cardio

Workout Outline

  1. Knee Hugs 
  2. Jump Rope
  3. Side-to-Side Step Touch 
  4. High Knee Jacks 
  5. Front/Back Runs
  6. Lateral Double Runs 
  7. Front Punch and Tap Back 
  8. Standing Knee to Elbow Crunch
  9. Side-to-Side Toe Taps and Punches  
  10. Lateral Heisman Runner 
  11. Front Kicks
  12. 3 Fast Feet and Tap Down
  13. 4 High Knees and Tap Down, R
  14. Knee Slam, R
  15. 4 High Knees and Tap Down, L
  16. Knee Slam, L
  17. Lateral Shuffle and Press Across 
  18. Squat Jack and Jumping Jack

9 Standing Cardio Exercises

Jump Rope

Targets: Calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs, oblique muscles, forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, back and chest.

two women jumping rope at their own pace for fat loss in a beginner workouts

How To Jump Rope

  1. Start standing, feet under hips, core engaged, and a slight bend in both knees.
  2. Mimic holding the handles of a jump rope in each hand, elbows at your sides (option to use a jump rope if you have one).
  3. Mimic the motion of swinging a rope over your head. Keep your elbows near your sides as you draw small circles with closed fists, keeping the biceps engaged.
  4. As the rope would approach your feet, perform a small jump. Land softly, with bent knees.
  5. Continue this pattern, finding a rhythm and speed you can maintain for the entire work interval.

Modification: Option to omit the small hops and instead alternate heel taps, tapping the right heel forward, bringing it back, then tapping the left heel forward.

Side-to-Side Step Touch

Targets: Hip flexors, quads, calves, shoulders and chest.

two women performing a side to side step touch in a standing cardio workout at home

How To Do A Side-to-Side Step Touch

  1. Start standing in an athletic stance, feet hip-distance apart and knees slightly bent. Hold your arms just under shoulder height, slight bend in the elbows.
  2. Side step to the right with your right foot, then step your left foot across to join your right. As you step to the right, open the arms wide to raise your heart rate. Pull the arms in as the left foot taps.
  3. Tap the left foot on the floor and then immediately step back to the left, following with your right to tap. 
  4. Repeat this process, alternating the side step.

High Knee Jacks

Targets: Glutes, quads, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, shoulders, arms and core.

two women performing high knee jacks in a low impact standing cardio workout

How To Do High Knee Jacks

  1. Start standing feet hip-distance apart, slight bend in the knees. Raise your arms straight overhead.
  2. Pull your right knee up to the chest, performing a knee drive. As you perform the knee drive, sweep the arms down so your hands meet under your right thigh.
  3. With control, lower the right foot back down to the ground as you send the arms back overhead.
  4. Then alternate the movement, pulling the left knee up to perform a knee drive as you sweep the arms down again.

Front Punch And Tap Back

Targets: Total upper body — arms, back, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, abs and core.

two women performing a front punch and tap back in a low impact cardio workout, no repeats

How To Do A Front Punch And Tap Back

  1. Start standing feet hip-distance apart, knees bent, on the balls of your feet. 
  2. Hinge forward slightly and bring your fists up to chest level.
  3. Step your right foot back behind you, while jabbing your right hand forward, punching the air in front of you. Keep your left arm in towards your chest.
  4. Then step the right foot back to center as you pull the right arm back in towards your chest.
  5. Alternate the movement, stepping the left foot back as you jab your left hand forward to punch the air in front of you.

Standing Knee To Elbow Crunch

Targets: Rectus abdominis, transverse abdominal muscles and obliques.

two women performing a standing knee to elbow crunch

How To Do A Standing Knee To Elbow Crunch

  1. Start standing feet hip-distance apart, knees slightly bent. Place your hands behind your head and think about pressing your head into your fingertips, elbows pointing straight out to the sides.
  2. Pull the left knee up towards your chest as you simultaneously pull your right elbow down to meet the left knee. Touch the right elbow to left knee if possible. Think about performing alternating bicycle crunches from a standing position.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Pulling your left elbow towards your right knee.
  4. Continue to repeat these alternating knee to elbow crunches.

3 Fast Feet And Tap Down

Targets: Hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, calves, back and core.

two women performing three fast feet and an alternating tap down in a standing cardio workout at home

How To Do 3 Fast Feet And Tap Down

  1. Start standing in an athletic stance with your feet shoulder-width distance apart and your hips low, keeps bent.
  2. Push through the balls of your feet and run in place quickly for a three-count.
  3. Then, drop your hips low to sit back into the bottom of a squat, lowering your hips down parallel with your knees. Drive your knees out toward your outer three toes.
  4. At the bottom of the squat, quickly tap the ground with your left hand. Then, pop back up into the athletic stance.
  5. Repeat, alternating the hand that taps the floor for the timed interval.

4 High Knees And Tap Down

Targets: Calves, hamstrings, hip flexors and glutes.

two women performing four high knees and a tap down in a standing cardio workout

How To Do 4 High Knees And Tap Down

  1. Start standing feet hip-distance apart, knees slightly bent. Send the left knee up, performing a knee drive on the left leg.
  2. Then perform four alternating high knees, driving your right knee up to hip-height, then your left knee. Core is engaged.
  3. After the fourth high knee, step the left foot back behind you. Most of your weight is in your front right foot, back left toe is slightly supporting you. As you step the left foot back, tap the floor with the left hand.
  4. Pull the left knee back to hip-height and continue, tapping down only with the left hand for this entire set, switching sides on the next set.

Lateral Shuffle And Press Across

Targets: Calves, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, shoulders, arms, back and core.

two women performing a lateral shuffle and press across in a standing cardio workout to burn fat

How To Do A Lateral Shuffle And Press Across

  1. Start in an athletic stance, feet hip-width distance apart and knees bent. Bring your hands up to chest-level.
  2. Perform two large shuffles to the right side of your mat. On the final shuffle, rotate your torso as you press your left hand across your body. Think about the driving power coming from your hips and core.
  3. Note, toes follow hips and hands to the right.
  4. Then, perform two large shuffles to your left. On the final shuffle, rotate your torso, turning to face the left as you press your right hand crossbody.

Squat Jack And Jumping Jack

Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, outer glutes (side butt), inner thighs, calves and core.

two women performing a squat jack and jumping jack in a low impact cardio workout at home

How To Do A Squat Jack And Jumping Jack

  1. Start in an athletic stance or loaded squat position, with your feet shoulder-width distance apart and a slight bend in your knees.
  2. With your chest upright and your core engaged, “jack” your feet out into a sumo squat (feet are wider than your shoulders).
  3. Land softly in a low squat, touching the ground with your fingertips if you can.
  4. Then “jack” your feet into a narrow stance, feet hip-width distance apart as you stand tall, bringing the arms in towards your center.
  5. “Jack” your feet out wide again as you drive the arms overhead (performing a traditional jumping jack).
  6. Then “jack” your feet into a narrow stance and bring the arms down again. That sequence is one rep. Repeat for the timed interval.

Modification: Option to omit the jump and alternate the foot that steps in and out instead.

Beginner Weight Loss Workout FAQs

What Is A Good Beginner Workout To Lose Weight?

Both low intensity cardio and strength training are great options for beginners who are looking to build strength and burn calories. Some of the best low impact cardio workouts include jogging, bicycling, power walking, swimming and aerobics. Add low impact steady state cardio to your strength training routine to achieve your weight loss goals.

How Often Should A Beginner Exercise?

I recommend starting with 20-30 minute weight training workouts, 3 days a week. If possible, aim for 8-10K steps a day. Whether you walk outside, on a treadmill, or incorporate this standing cardio workout into your routine, daily movement is important for weight loss.

What Is The Best Workout Challenge For Beginner Weight Loss?

Losing weight and building muscle takes time and consistency. The best way to stay motivated is to follow a workout plan. This takes the guesswork out of how many reps, what exercises, and how many days a week to workout. I recommend following our free beginner workout plan paired with a nutrient-dense diet.

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