God has a funny way of working sometimes. I had this verse and the below content written for an Instagram post; only to wake up at 5am to my baby crying with red, hot, swollen, painful feet {apparently his bodies reaction to a virus}.
It was ‘one of those mornings’ where this verse, 1 Samuel 1:27, really hit home. Sending love to any of my fellow mamas in the midst of ‘one of those days’ where you need extra prayers, grace, and coffee.
Praying over Brody B is the only way I’ve maintained sanity as a mother {and that’s a questionable statement as I’d defiantly say I’ve lost my sanity at least a couple of times in the past 15 months}.
A couple weeks ago I found myself in a cold, sterile hospital lab praying over my baby boy as warm tears streamed down my face into his soft blondish, red hair. Repeated low hemoglobin labs called for a full panel screening {Praise Jesus, it’s just low iron}!
Seeing your child in pain has to be one of the deepest pits a mother feels in her stomach. I mean science proves that mothers have a physical response to hearing their child cry. Pair that physical response with the mental load and endless ‘what if?’ scenarios and you have a recipe for crazy.
You see I’ve always thought of this verse, 1 Samuel 1:27, was a mother’s prayer to God for a child. But now I see that this verse has a lot more legs…it’s a lifelong prayer that withstands the time of motherhood.
Knowing that I cannot control Brody’s every move, bump, bruise, health, relationship with God, and this list goes on…leads me to prayer.
I cannot control these variables but I can pray, hard, about them. Resting assured that our faithful God hears every prayer.
Dear God,
Make firm Brody’s steps;
may he stumble, but not fall;
endure hardships, but not too hard;
and always find his hope + strength in you!
{I pray this prayer over Brody daily, inspiration drawn from Psalm 37:23-24 + his Life Verse we selected for him at his Baby Dedication Isaiah 40:31}