Should Women  Exercise Barefoot?

Yes! As a trainer who has  worked with a Muscle  Activation + Barefoot  Training specialist, I have  experienced the impact of  barefoot training on my  joints.

What Are The  Benefits Of Barefoot  Training?

✅ Improved Foot  Strength + Flexibility Better Balance ✅ Natural Posture +  Alignment ✅ Reduced Risk of Injury

How Do I Start  Barefoot Training?

I recommend transitioning  gradually. Start with  strength training barefoot,  then try barefoot training  in your at home HIIT  workouts.

Can Wearing The  Wrong Shoes Cause  Joint Pain?

Yes! Shoes that lack adequate  support and have a ton of  cushion can alter your body’s  natural biomechanics.

But I'm more  comfortable working  out in shoes...

If you'd rather workout in  shoes, look for shoes that have the following:  Wide Toe Box Thin and Flexible Sole ✅ Zero Drop From Heel  to Toe

Where To Shop?

Tap below for my preferred barefoot training shoe! ⭐ Use discount code: NML

Where To Shop?

Tap below for a stylish  barefoot shoe option!

Find my daily mobility routine for joint health and injury prevention below!